Worship Director Candidate Profile - João Pedro Macimiano Trabbold
Below is the digital portfolio for our worship director candidate, João Pedro Macimiano Trabbold. We have created this page because we are unable to physically bring JP in for a weekend visit. This will allow you to get to know JP to some degree prior to the weekend of January 23 when we will be meeting with JP digitally through Zoom. He will also be leading us in worship that weekend through the use of technology.
Also below is a recorded conversation with Pastor Patrick and J.P., our worship director candidate, that took place on Tuesday, January 11. Later in the video, J.P. is joined by his wife Fernanda. The purpose of this video is for you to get to know J.P. and Fernanda. If after watching the video you have questions for them, please submit them using the link below. All written questions will be sent to J.P. and Fernanda. Please note, while nothing of substance has been removed, this video has been edited for time’s sake with the hope that everyone will be able to watch the entire video in a timely manner. However, if you would prefer to see how JP or Fernanda answer a specific question, please refer to the video time stamps below the video.
Interview Video Time Stamps
0:00 – JP’s opening prayer
2:48 – JP introductions/personal testimony/music background
5:34 – JP meets Fernanda
7:20 – JP and Fernanda move to southern Brazil where they discover hymns & Reformed theology.
9:42 – JP and Fernanda move to New Zealand and their life there.
12:21 – JP’s current career
14:30 – JP answers “what is the Gospel?”
16:22 – JP tackles worship styles
20:40 – Fernanda joins us and shares her personal testimony
22:17 – Fernanda’s experience in the United States
23:47 – What drew Fernanda to JP?
24:55 – Why move to New Zealand?
27:10 – JP and Fernanda share about their children.
29:23 – How Fernanda feels about JP potentially changing careers.
31:10 – JP and Fernanda’s thoughts on infant baptism.
32:33 – Final thoughts from JP and Fernanda.
33:44 – Fernanda’s closing prayer
Fernanda’s (JP’s wife) Facebook Profile
Worship at Redeemer Church - Tauranga, New Zealand
Worship at Focus Bible Church - Tauranga, New Zealand
Music Sample at Home
Studio Recordings - Soli Deo Trio