Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
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Immanuel gathers every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for worship. If you are unable to attend in person, you may view our livestream using the link below and view a digital copy of this week’s Order of Worship.
Location & Parking
We are located at 517 Orange Avenue, Ripon, CA. Parking is available behind the church with the parking lot entrance on Orange Avenue. Additional street parking is available on Orange Avenue and 4th Street.
We do not seek to conjure up something powerful, engaging, or transformative. Rather, by faith we trust that our powerfully, engaging, and transformative God is present with us as He has promised through the ordinary means He has ordained and supplied. We use a historic protestant liturgy interspersed with traditional and contemporary psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. We preach expositionally through books of the Bible. We ordinarily partake of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month. A typical service lasts one hour and fifteen minutes.
Families are free to keep their children of any age with them throughout the worship service. We love to hear their contributions! We also offer a nursery for children 2 years old and younger. For children 3 years old through 2nd grade we offer an optional bible story time where we bless and dismiss them from the service prior to the sermon.
We have many opportunities to get involved at Immanuel. We offer coffee and cookies in the social hall following every service – stay as long as you would like! Whether you’re a visitor, new member, or long time member, invite someone out or over for dinner or lunch after church. We offer a number of ways to grow in your faith and in relationship with others by joining a small group, a bible study, or by serving. Stop by the welcome table or click on the ‘Connect’ or ‘Ministries’ tabs above.
The best way to know what’s going on at Immanuel is to check the calendar (link). If you’ve established yourself as a regular attender, you can sign up to receive the weekly email (link). You can always stop by the welcome center in the foyer at the back of the sanctuary.
We desire that you would become a member of a true, Bible-believing church – We would be delighted if you joined the Immanuel family. Click here to learn more.
We have several handicapped parking spaces in the lot to the south of the church. Our premises are wheelchair accessible, except for our north entrance. Our sanctuary is equipped with an assisted listening system. In addition, large print bulletins, Bibles, and Psalter Hymnals are available.