Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response
UpdateD: JANUARY 29, 2021
The Governing Council is continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation in relation to our plans for worship and ministries. The Governing Council met Thursday night to review our current situation. At this time, our service for this coming Sunday will be in-person and online. As the state has returned to the tiered system, we determined that ministries can return to meeting in-person starting February 1. We are asking all ministries to utilize their COVID plans from the fall, as well as keep their group sizes to between 10-15 people, especially for our student ministries. Zoom is still available to any ministry or committee to use as needed.
We will offer both in-person and online worship this week as an option for our members. We do not take lightly our decision to offer in-person worship. However, we feel that an in-person option for worship seems essential for some of our members. We offer in-person worship with great caution. If you have any condition/symptoms that could jeopardize the health of others, regardless of how minor, we encourage you to worship online from home. If you know that you have been exposed to COVID or you are waiting for the results of a COVID test, we ask you to worship online from home. If you have recently traveled out of the state or country, we also ask you to worship online from home.
Again, we remind those who choose to worship in-person of our guidelines:
Wear a mask when entering, exiting, and if you choose to sing.
Sit together by family units, observing the every other pew arrangement.
Reserve the back portion of the downstairs seating for those who feel comfortable keeping their masks on for the entire service.
Attendance in the sanctuary will be limited to 100 people. Overflow capacity will be available in the Social Hall.
We make no judgment about whether a person worships in-person or online. Either way, God is honored and we can receive God's blessing. We thank you for your continued compassion, prayers, and cooperation as we navigate our way as a community in Christ.